All Solutions

- Models We Use

Foundational models are a big part of creating AI solutions, we work with all of the major providers


ProviderModelsAvaible ViaDescription
OpenAIgpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4-turbo, tts-1, text-embedding-3-large, dall-e-3OpenAIAzureOpenAI's suite of models to cover all LLM capabilities, including Tool Calling and Image Generation
Googlegemini-1.5-pro, gemini-1.5-flash, textembedding-gecko, imagegenerationGoogle CloudGoogle's own trained models to cover all LLM capabilities, including Tool Calling and Image Generation
Metallama3.1-405BGoogle CloudOllamaMeta's largest Open Source Large Language Model, available via Google Cloud or self-hosted with Ollama
Anthropicclaude-3.5-sonnet, claude-3-opus, claude-3-haikuAnthropicGoogle CloudAnthropic's Claude model suite available directly

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